
K-8th Grade

Whether it is homework help or enrichment, we have your child covered at MAARS Academy. Our approach is two pronged: achievement in at their current level and then building their knowledge for future academics. Students that have been with us for years are often performing at levels two grades higher than their current level. But ask any of them, and they will tell you that they didn't start that way. This age group, though vast, has one common theme. Start accumulating those academic building blocks so that they are ready for high school. That doesn't mean just subjects either, our coaching reinforces good study habits, test taking strategies and time planning; all vital lessons that are often overlooked in the classroom.

9th-12th Grade

We have one saying here when it comes to high school - everything counts. The thing is most students already know that and it becomes daunting when you don't get that grade you wanted on a test or essay. We are here to make the whole experience a little bit easier. Our tutors have more that two decades worth of experience with the curriculum in the neighboring school districts. And if you are in the WWP area, we probably have a relationship with some of your teachers as well. Our tutors can help your young adult not only study relevant subject material but also target in on the specific areas that we know get tested and assessed on. Whether it is normal, honors or AP classes we are bound to have material ready for you.

If you have got school covered, but need help with Standardized Testing we can help too. We have partnered with Kaplan to get you the representations of the most recent SAT and ACT tests being used now. Our tutors will first ensure that you are familiar with all the possible subject material being tested. Then we will move onto teaching strategies to improve speed. Tests and practice work are custom tailored to address specific weaknesses. These tests are full with patterns as well, it just takes a keen eye to notice them. We can assure your student will have that capability.We do also aid in college admission statements. We have a few recent grads from top universities that can help your student tailor their essay to address everything that admissions offices look for. Please contact us for more information on this service as the needs vastly differ from person to person.


First consultations are always free. Contact us to set up an appointment. We will discuss your expectations and how we can help you address any academic concerns.


We will create an assessment based on the student's grade level. It is not a graded test, rather we do a qualitative assessment. The questions will include exercises that are below and above the expected level.


We will have one more meeting with the student and the parents to discuss the results of the assessment. The weaknesses will be addressed and together we plan out a course of action to ensure the students reach their goals.


After we have agreed to how often the student will come in for tutoring and with which tutor, we will work with the tutor to make sure you have all the materials you need. Every week their will be an update to the parents with current progress. During that time parents may also address any additional concerns that they may have.

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